總第156期 2019年10月 上一(yī)期 下(xià)一(yī)期

第八版 環球天地


My Most Admired Teacher

甯波華外(wài)高中(zhōng)部 袁毅銘

       My favorite teacher I admire most is my history teacher named Jiangang Tian. He is a handsome young man with deeps eyes and a bright smile.
       As our teacher, Mr. Tian keeps a good balance between teaching and communicating with us. His class often enjoys a good atmosphere with a sense of relaxation. After an exam, he can always express his ideas in his unique way and take into account the feelings of all of us. He replaces punishment with encouragement and sets us goals to follow.
       Such is the person I admire most, a special teacher in many ways. I feel so lucky to have such a friendly teacher.


上一(yī)條:MY Lucky To Meet You

下(xià)一(yī)條:Sense Of Security