總第156期 2019年10月 上一(yī)期 下(xià)一(yī)期

第八版 環球天地


Sense Of Security

甯波華外(wài)高中(zhōng)部 阮丹丹

       Of all the teachers I know, Jiang Zhihua is the one I admire most. He isn’t good-looking and even a little too fat. He is 40, but looks like a middle-aged man.
       As our math and class teacher, he carefully leads us in improving every subject and studying math well without doubt. It’s his normal state to dismiss out worries, for he can keep us attentive.
       He doesn’t use high language, but it is his ordinary words that I get attracted by. I can’t believe how many detours I would have without him.
       Inevitably we meet many pains while growing up. But it seems that as long as he is around, we will feel at ease. I take pride in being his student.


上一(yī)條:My Most Admired Teacher

下(xià)一(yī)條:Joys Of The Teaching Career